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It may be a word "whose time has come": I note that a number of British universities now have schools of informatics and list it as a subject.

The word is likely to become more common, I think.


It seems an odd word to me, not coming from a Greek root with an -ika suffix, like say gymnastics or hermeneutics, but rather presumably from the French informatique. I can see that it is more impressive intellectually and academically than Information Technology, suggestive of wires and Mullard valves.

Peter Harvey

According to the OED it comes into English from Russian!

tr. Russ. informátika (A. I. Mikhailov et al. 1966, in Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya XII. 35), f.

In Spanish informática is an everyday word, and an informático is the person who fixes your computer when it goes wrong.

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