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Have you tried "reading" the stuff on your screen? It goes on and on with some curiously interesting illustrations. What is it all about?

Peter Harvey

I have absolutely no idea at all, I'm afraid, but there are pages and pages of it.



Try http://lycaeum.org/mv/anagram or just lycaeum.org and look around

Peter Harvey


Thank you indeed for your research. The Lycaeum site is devoted to 'entheogenic drugs', which seems to be another name for mind-altering drugs. It claims to be "a virtual meeting place for members of the online entheogenic community."

Well, what about the language, of which there are pages and pages? I suppose it is all made up. The site does offer a translation service on some pages for short phrases (about four or five words). For example,

"Braclu trot iosoa denar iosoa" means:

"Saboteur or social adoration."


"To debonair, salacious orator."

I find real languages quite interesting enough. I do suppose, though that an analysis of this language mighi prove something or other about the people who write it.



I imagine that the anagrammatisation, if you will allow the word, is done by computer and is susceptible to translation by reversing the procedure. Back to Bletchley?


Peter Harvey

Yes indeed. I suppose that the encrypting is done by a computer program of the kind that might have stumped even the boffins of Bletchley.

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