A translation comes back with a cross comment that I have translated cliente as client when everyone knows that it should be customer. No it shouldn’t! Not when my, err, client, is an advertising agency – just the sort of business that has clients not customers.
They send me a screenshot of their projected website to show how far they had got before spotting and having to correct this error. I look at it and take the opportunity to point out further that they have, on their own initiative, added the word subscription but have omitted the b due to Spanish interference, and have also put job in the contact details where position would be more appropriate.
Naturally, I charge them for correcting their own mistakes.
I know more about English than my clients do. That is why they employ me. Bah!
Concise Oxford Dictionary
client 1 a person using the services of a professional person or organization.
customer 1 a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.
Hahaha! Delightful.
Posted by: Candide | 30/09/2012 at 21:12